December 15, 2017
If you follow us on Instagram, you sufficiently know that we attended Kevin's Game Fair in Thomasville, Georgia. We gawked in our tweed blazers under stately oak trees and loved every minute of it.
Andrew and I were honored, not only to be included in the festivities, but to be guests of The Kellys in Thomasville. The question in my little southern head was obviously, "What in the world do you bring as a hostess gift?"
Not only did I want to give a thoughtful gift, I wanted something that they would love, wouldn't have access to very often, and something that's not a burden. (i.e. "great, now what I do I do with this crap").
I decided on Dean and Deluca Babka cinnamon and chocolate bread. Dean and Deluca is an iconic bakery in New York city, so I figured a special and rare treat to enjoy. We presented the breads on a cutting board with a hand burned quail made by Andrew, of course.
The Kellys served the bread for all of the guests in the morning, and Kevin piped up, "This is good cake."
That was a feather in my (sporting) cap.
If you are stumped with hostess gifts this season, may I present a few suggestions in addition to the decadent Dean and Deluca: Jo Malone products, Blackberry Farms beer and a thriving young artist in Alabama.
Jo Malone is a fantastic fragrance line from perfumes to candles. The fragrances range from fruity to woodsy to spicy in the most clean and understated way. It can be risky to give scents which are distinct to each person, but most of these scents are great for men and women. Also, Kate Middleton and Whitney Lee are fans of these products, so that's a pretty good stamp of approval.
Blackberry Farms beer: I am a fan of The Classic Saison. We first tried this beer when we were participating at the Bray's Island shooting fair. It's a medium bodied beer with a subtle citrus but crisp taste. You can find this in most specialty wine shops and at Whole Foods. I like to go exceptional with a hostess gift and this falls into that category.
Speaking of exceptional...
There's the artist that I mentioned: the incredible creator with a wide range of skill, the hard-working man with two full time jobs, running a business out of his home, a beautiful wi...
Okay, it's Andrew.
I'd be remiss to write on my husband's blog on his business page if I didn't recommend his incredible work.
For the holidays, you may be invited to a seafood lovers home. May I suggest the oyster serving board. And if you're feeling particularly generous, go ahead and add a set of frost-flex oyster cups with a set of 10 oyster notecards. Oh, and we have oyster prints now too. I could go on with phantom interests of phantom hosts and how Andrew's products could be the perfect gift to say "thank you", but you get the idea. Click around, and I guarantee you'll find a product that is impressive and exemplary. Trust me, Kate Middleton and I are fond of the same scents, so I know what I'm talking about on all accounts.
The idea of a "good gift" is subjective, but I can accurately say that all my suggestions are better than fruit cake.
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April 27, 2021
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